This is my entry to WBB- Healthy Eats!

1. Raw rice
2. Moong dhal
3. Pepper
4. Salt
5. Cumin seeds
6. Ghee
7. Oil
8. Curry leaves
9. Asafetida
10. Broken cashew nuts
Boil rice and dhall separately. then combine dhall and rice together. Add salt. Heat oil and ghee in a wok. temper it with cumin seeds, pepper,asafetida ,curry leaves,cashew nuts.

We can have chutney,sambar,brinjal gothsu as the side dish for this delicious pongal.I have a recipe which is very nice with this pongal. That is a Sambar without toor dhal.
Onion – chopped
Tomato – chopped
Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
Fennel seeds – 1 tsp
Curry leaves
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Chilli powder – 1 tsp
Coriander seeds – a fistful
Roasted gram – a fistful
Heat oil in a pan. Temper it with mustard seeds and fennel seeds. Put onion and sauté it for 2 minutes. Then put tomatoes and sauté it. Add turmeric powder,chilli powder,salt and water. Let it boil for few more minutes.
Grind coriander seeds and roasted gram into a smooth powder without adding water in a mixie. Then make it into a paste by adding water so that lumps will not be made when added into the sambar. Put the paste into the sambar and let it boil for few more minutes.Tasty sambar for pongal is ready!!!!!
This is a very typical south Indian breakfast which is healthy too!!!!!!